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Tutorial: Building a Conversational Chat App

  • Level: Intermediate
  • Time to complete: 10 minutes
  • Nodes Used: PromptNode, ConversationalAgent and ConversationSummaryMemory
  • Goal: After completing this tutorial, you will have learned how to use ConversationalAgent to build a conversational chat application
  • Prerequisites: A Hugging Face API Key


A ConversationalAgent is a type of Agent that is specifically implemented to create chat applications easily. With its memory integration, the ConversationalAgent enables human-like conversation with large language models (LLMs).

This tutorial introduces you to the ConversationalAgent, ConversationSummaryMemory and explains how you can create your conversational chat application.

Preparing the Colab Environment

Installing Haystack

To start, install the latest release of Haystack with pip:


pip install --upgrade pip
pip install farm-haystack[colab]

Enabling Telemetry

Knowing you’re using this tutorial helps us decide where to invest our efforts to build a better product, but you can always opt out by commenting the following line. See Telemetry for more details.

from haystack.telemetry import tutorial_running


Initializing the ConversationalAgent

To initialize a ConversationalAgent, you’ll first need to create a PromptNode to define the LLM that your chat application will use. Then, you’ll add a memory to enable the application to store previous conversation and use this memory to make the interaction more human-like.

Now, create necessary components for a ConversationalAgent:

1) Provide a Hugging Face API Key

Hugging Face offers a hosted Inference API which you can use to access machine learning models using simple HTTP requests. This way, you don’t need to download models from the hub. To use the service, you need to provide an API key from Hugging Face:

import os
from getpass import getpass

model_api_key = os.getenv("HF_API_KEY", None) or getpass("Enter HF API key:")

2) Create a PromptNode

You’ll initialize a PromptNode with the model_name, api_key, and max_length to control the output length of the model. In this tutorial, you’ll use OpenAssistant/oasst-sft-1-pythia-12b, an open source Transformer-based text generation model.

from haystack.nodes import PromptNode

model_name = "OpenAssistant/oasst-sft-1-pythia-12b"
prompt_node = PromptNode(model_name, api_key=model_api_key, max_length=256)

3) Create a ConversationSummaryMemory

To have a chat application closer to a human interaction, you need to provide memory to the ConversationalAgent. There are two types of memory options in Haystack:

  1. ConversationMemory: stores the conversation history (default).
  2. ConversationSummaryMemory: stores the conversation history and periodically generates summaries.

These memory nodes inject the conversation history into the prompt for the large language model with every run. Instead of using the full conversation history, you’ll use ConversationSummaryMemory that sums up the conversation without losing important information, thus saving the token limit.

You can use the same PromptNode in ConversationSummaryMemory, so the same OpenAssistant/oasst-sft-1-pythia-12b model generates chat summaries. By default, ConversationSummaryMemory summarizes the chat with every 3 runs using the predefined conversational-summary PromptTemplate on PromptHub.

from haystack.agents.memory import ConversationSummaryMemory

summary_memory = ConversationSummaryMemory(prompt_node)

Optionally, you can define a separate PromptNode with another LLM and PromptTemplate for generating conversation summary and use it in the ConversationSummaryMemory.

4) Create a ConversationalAgent

Now that you have all the necessary components, you can initialize the ConversationalAgent. If you don’t provide any tools, the ConversationalAgent uses the conversational-agent-without-tools prompt by default.

from haystack.agents.conversational import ConversationalAgent

conversational_agent = ConversationalAgent(prompt_node=prompt_node, memory=summary_memory)

You can add tools to your chat application using tools params of the ConversationalAgent:

conversational_agent = ConversationalAgent(

To learn how to create tools, check out Haystack documentation.

Now, your conversational agent is ready to chat!

Trying Out a Prompt"Tell me three most interesting things about Istanbul, Turkey")"Can you elaborate on the second item?")"Can you turn this info into a twitter thread?")
  • At any point during the chat, you can use load() function to check the chat summary:
  • To delete the whole chat history, call clear() method:

Congratulations! 🎉 You’ve learned how to use ConversationalAgent to create a chat application with a summarized memory.

💬 Example Application

To take the chat experience to another level, check out this example application. Run the code cell below and use the textarea to interact with the conversational agent. Use the buttons on the right to load or delete the chat summary.

import ipywidgets as widgets
from IPython.display import clear_output, display

## Text Input
user_input = widgets.Textarea(
    placeholder="Type your prompt here",
    style={"description_width": "initial"},
    layout=widgets.Layout(width="100%", height="100%"),

## Submit Button
submit_button = widgets.Button(
    description="Submit", button_style="success", layout=widgets.Layout(width="100%", height="80%")

def on_button_clicked(b):
    user_prompt = user_input.value
    user_input.value = ""
    print("\nUser:\n", user_prompt)


## Show Memory Button
memory_button = widgets.Button(
    description="Show Memory", button_style="info", layout=widgets.Layout(width="100%", height="100%")

def on_memory_button_clicked(b):
    memory = conversational_agent.memory.load()
    if len(memory):
        print("\nMemory:\n", memory)
        print("Memory is empty")


## Clear Memory Button
clear_button = widgets.Button(
    description="Clear Memory", button_style="warning", layout=widgets.Layout(width="100%", height="100%")

def on_clear_button_button_clicked(b):
    print("\nMemory is cleared\n")


## Layout
grid = widgets.GridspecLayout(3, 3, height="200px", width="800px", grid_gap="10px")
grid[0, 2] = clear_button
grid[0:2, 0:2] = user_input
grid[2, 0:] = submit_button
grid[1, 2] = memory_button